
Special reservation events are scheduled for new, incoming undergraduate students in April and June of each year. Registration for returning students is through the SMWC portal. Students are required to obtain a registration access code from their academic advisor for registration completion.

Declaring or Changing Major

Each student is assigned an academic advisor in his or her declared major (and minor, if applicable). However, career and goal exploration often lead a student in a different direction. Contact the Office of the Registrar to be assigned to an appropriate advisor.

Drop / Add Classes

Each academic program at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College – campus, Woods Online, graduate programs all have their own policies and procedures. Be sure to use the appropriate drop form and reference the correct drop policy when making decisions on adding or dropping courses.

Additionally, adding or dropping courses may significantly affect your financial aid, please consult with the Financial Aid Office if you have questions or concerns.

Campus Students – Drop / Add Policies

You can find our Drop/Add Policies further down on this page in the catalog.

Withdrawing from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College

Students who have decided to withdraw should request a withdrawal form from the Office of the Registrar or the Office of Student Development. Students are asked to share with the College why they are leaving. Any responses are treated with confidentiality, but may be aggregated as the College examines how better to serve future students.

Extensions and Incompletes

At the end of a semester, students successfully completing at least 50 percent of the work for a class may petition the faculty member for an extension of time to complete the class. The faculty member will file the grade of “I” and state whether the student has one, two or three months in which to finish. Students will be billed for any incomplete grades they receive at $25 per credit hour per month of the extension.

Final Grades

Final grades are obtained through your student portal. Paper grade reports are not mailed to students.

Academic Probation

A student will be placed on academic probation when his or her semester grade point average or his or her cumulative grade point average is less than 2.0. The student will be notified in writing of her probationary status, and of the conditions of the probation, by the Office of the Registrar before the start of the next term. Normally, a student may remain on probation for no more than two consecutive terms.


A student may be suspended from the College for one semester or longer if:

  • The student’s semester grade point average is less than 1.0
  • The student’s semester grade point average is less than 2.0 for two consecutive semesters
  • The student’s cumulative grade point average is less than 2.0 for two consecutive semesters.

A student who is suspended will be notified in writing of the suspension, its duration and the conditions for eligibility to apply for re-admission by the Office of the Registrar before the start of the next term.

Academic Restrictions

A campus student admitted to the College on restriction is directed to take a limited course load of no more than 14 hours during the first semester and to meet regularly with a member of the Academic Support Team. In addition to this, the student will be directed to make regular use of the College Learning Resource Center as part of her restricted status. A student is considered on restriction for only one semester. Woods Online students on restriction or probation are limited to six or fewer hours.

Dismissal for Academic Performance

Generally, dismissal from the College is the result of unsatisfactory performance following a student’s return from a previous suspension. However, a student may be dismissed from the College without previous probation or suspension if her academic performance in a given semester is deemed sufficiently unsatisfactory as to warrant dismissal.

Dismissal for Social Conduct

A student also may be dismissed for social cause. Unsatisfactory conduct or influence will result in dismissal from the College. If, in the judgment of the administration, a student is exerting a harmful influence, she may be dismissed without any special act of insubordination. It is understood that students and parents and sponsors of all students accept these conditions.